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Cape Town, Stellenbosch

Driving to Stellenbosch!

So my rental care adventure was just that... an adventure. A few laps around the neighbourhood and I became somewhat accustomed to the changes, of which their were many. My only real mistake was driving slow in the fast lane (on the right), and one or two angry drivers later, I learned my lesson.

The traffic girl (couldn't have been more than 14) directing traffic at an accident

Slums lined the highway between Cape Town and Stellenbosch

Stellenbosch exit. Note the pouring rain.

On my way to Jonkershoek Nature Reserve, outside Stellenbosch.

Made it to Stellenbosch and ventured out into the mountains nearby. It was pouring rain, so I didn't get the views, but it was incredibly peaceful all the same. The gatekeeper to the conservation area thought I was crazy to be out hiking in that weather. While I was driving out to the trails, with parts flooded with1.5-2feet of water, I began to think he was right.

Inside Jonkershoek Reserve

The waterfalls I had planned to hike to... until I discovered flooded trails.

I know how to find the good camera-balancing rocks now.

Sort of looks like a riverbed... and with the non-stop rain I was worried that it would soon become one.

Wine Tour!!!

Simonsprig, our first stop on the wineries tour. It's also the largest privately owned estate in the area. To be an estate, a winery has to grow, produce, and bottle the wine entirely on-site.
Our guide has a degree in Wine. Four years of schooling, all about wine.

The cork tree, which isn't actually going extinct, as I'd heard back home.

Vats of wine. For reds, the skins are left in while the wine ferments, for colour, and for tannins. Tannins are responsible for the rougher taste at the end of a red sampling- many nuts have similar tannins.

Oak barrels of red

This bottle of champagne was opened with a sword. 11am toast.

My first sip of a tasty white

Jonkershoek Nature Reserve mountains

Outside Simonsprig

The view of Table Mountain from Simonsprig in Stellenbosch (about 50km away)

I forget the name of this winery, but they make "Goats do Roam," a play on words of some famous French wine. They are real goats chilling in the tower.

This winery, in Paarl, also makes a tasty "Bored Doe." The French winery tried to sue them... but the case was dismissed.

Cheese tasting. Soooo good. Fresh goat's cheese, blue cheese and more.

More tasting... We had about 6 samples at each of the four wineries we visited. It amounted to a solid 1.5-2 bottles by the end of the day.

I need a chandelier like this. It's like a wine halo.

Our third visit was to a winery in Franschoek. Very Hollywood.

I didn't like this place's wine, but loved their views.

More delicious champagne

Bridget, from Miami, and I.

The views from our final stop. This winery was by far the fanciest and most modern. The owner is a banker and just makes wine as a hobby. You could see Table Mountain, False Bay (visible in my Cape Point pictures), the vineyards and olive gardens. Spectacular.

Our group, minus one Canadian, Phil.


This bomb bag was in the waterfront mall. Apparently bombs are an issue in shopping centers.

Vancouver made the cut for this sign post.

Waterfront street performers. It was just as entertaining to watch all of the school kids, in their uniforms, who had just been let out of class, dance around and mock them.

Waterfront fishing boats

Cleaning the day's catch